The shipping costs for your order will be automatically calculated at the time of checkout. Simply enter your shipping address to see the applicable fees, including any international shipping charges.
- NL: Netherlands - 5.99 EUR
- DE: Germany - 9.99 EUR
- FR: France - 9.99 EUR
- BE: Belgium - 9.99 EUR
- AT: Austria - 9.99 EUR
- GB: United Kingdom - 9.99 EUR
- IE: Ireland - 9.99 EUR
- IT: Italy - 9.99 EUR
- LI: Liechtenstein - 9.99 EUR
- LU: Luxembourg - 9.99 EUR
- SE: Sweden - 9.99 EUR
- CH: Switzerland - 9.99 EUR
Free shipping for Xpozer orders above 75 EUR
Your order will be shipped from our printlab within three business days of placing the order. If you have any questions or concerns about your shipping, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service team at We are always here to help.